Step 1. Firstly, Go to VPCart administration. In the top menu, select Modules, then Google Add-ons, from the dropdown menu
Step 2. Click the Google Product Feed
Step 3. To setup Google Product Feed, enter the form values based on your criteria
Step 4. Click 'Continue' to start generating product feed. After it has been generated, you will be informed how many products were created in the txt file; e.g. :Result: 31 products created.
Step 5. To save the file, please right click the Click here to view link at the top and save the file in your computer.
Step 6. You can then submit this file to Google. You will need to upload the product feed file to Google Merchant Center at :
For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/googleproductfeed.htm