Using this shipping calculation, the total weight of the products is compared against a range set in the shipmethods table.
Step 1. In your shop administration, go to 'Advanced Settings' >> 'Shipping & Handling'.
Step 2. Select 'Weightrange' from the dropdown for change shipping calculation
Step 3. Click 'Submit Query'.
Step 4. Now scroll down the page to add weight range in the shipping table
4a. The price is whatever is in Base Price within that weight range.
4b. If you want to add extra cost for any extra weight, you can do this by adding a value into extra cost.
4c. This extra cost is added to the base cost using the following logic: Extra Weight=Total Weight – Minimum Weight
4d. Extra Cost = Extra Weight * Extra Cost
4e. Total Shipping Cost = Base Price + Extra Cost
Step 5. Click '+Add a Record' button to add some sample weight range records to the shipmethods table.
5a. Enter a name for Shippping method. For example: Express
5b. Set Base price: For example $10
5c. Set Extra Cost: Say $2
5d. Set Minimium Weight : Say 0 Set Maximum Weight: Say 5
Step 6. Click '+Add a Record'
Step 7. Click 'Return to Shipping Methods Table'. You can review the record added.
Step 8. Now we can add another weight range 5 -10 with base price $20 and Extra cost $4. Similary add records for all the weight ranges as in the example shown here.
Step 9. Now we can try a test checkout of a product with Weight 15 KG and view the shipping cost
As you can see the shipping method shows Express: $60 and Normal Post : $30
Step 10. Say your customer is checking out with "Express" and the shipping calculation is: Base price = $30 as per shipmethods table.
Total weight(15) – Minimum Weight(10)=Extra Weight(5)
Extra Weight(5) * Extra Cost($6)=Extra Cost($30)
Total Shipping Cost($60) = Base Price($30) + ExtraCost($30)
You could see the shipping cost: $60 while completing the checkout with express post.
For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/weightrange.htm