The “Top Slider Banners Container” feature allows merchants to display sliding banners under horizontal menus.
Step 1. To access Top Slider Banners Container go to VPCART Control Panel : Website » Layout Manager
Step 2. Click Edit icon against Top Slider Banners Container. This sliding banners feature has powerful options that allow you to upload big banner images (.jpg, .gif, .png),and you can create “banner sets".
Step 3. The container is set with Enable: yes by default
Step 4. You can start creating a new set of slider banner by clicking the "Create New Banner Set" button
Step 5. Enter a name for the Banner Set, Say 'SET B' (There is a Banner Set named 'SET A' exists by default)
Step 6. Click "Create New Banner Set" button and then click OK
Step 7. Ensure "Banner Set" : 'SET B ' and set "Set Enable": Yes
Step 8. Click Upload new Banner image button
Step 9. Upload a new banner image (.jpg, .gif, .png). The default banner image size is 1200 X 429 pixels. Enter Title, Description, Title Size, Description Size, Color etc
Step 10. Click Add Banner Button. Similarly we can add another image to the banner set - 'SET B'. Enter Title, Description, Title size, Caption Order Format, caption postion etc..
Step 11. Click Add Banner button
Step 12. Select the pages on which you would like to display these banner images. For example 'Home page'
Step 13. Click Save and then click OK
Step 14. Now Go back to your store and refresh the Home page to view the new banner images. As mentioned earlier there is another set "SET A" exists by default for the home page, so the banners will be shown merged.
Step 15. Say if you want to display "SET B" only for your shop. For this please go to 'top Slider banners container' in admin again. Select "SET A" from dropdown "Banner Set". Uncheck "Home page"
Step 16. Click Save
Step 17. Click ok
Step 18. Go back to your shop and refresh the Home page. It will display only "SET B" banner images.
Thank you for watching and we hope you have found this tutorial useful.
For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/topsliderbannerscontainer.htm