Step 1. The default VPCart installation will show Grey borders around the containers in the front store.We can hide the grey outer borders with few clicks from design manager.
Step 2. For this, Go to VPCart administration: Website >> Design Manager
Step 3. Click 'Custom' tab. Select 'Section' : Content and 'Sub Section': Global Widget from the dropdown items.
Step 4. Under 'widget title' and 'Widget Container' select the background colour of your website. Here select white colour.
Step 5. Click 'Save' and then click 'ok' button
Step 6. Now go to your front store and refresh the page. As you can see the outer Grey borders are hidden on your website now.
For more information about how to hide the grey borders around containers in VPCart 9, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/howtousethisdesignmanagerfeatureinvpcart.htm