Video tutorial - How to Enable Gift Certificates in VPCart 9

Video tutorial - How to Enable Gift Certificates in VPCart 9

Step 1. To turn on Gift certificate feature you need to modify few configurations.

Step 2. For this go to VPCart Admin: Advanced settings >> software configuration

Step 3. In the search box,  type in 'xgift' , and click search icon to view related configurations.

Step 4. xgiftautoenable: Setting this to No means that you must manually edit the gift certificate and put something in the GiftAuthorized field  before a customer can use it

Step 5. xgiftcertificates: Setting this to Yes enables gift certificates on your site.

Step 6. xgiftexpirydays: The number of days that a gift certificate is valid for.

Step 7. xgiftlimit: This limits the amount of an individual gift certificate

Step 8. xgiftprefix: This is a prefix used to generate the gift certificate number.

Step 9. After turning on some of the configs needed to enable gift certificates, Click 'continue' button.

Step 10. Your next step is to create the Gift type Products. For this Go to Store >> Products from VPCart admin menu

Step 11. Click, 'Add a Record' button

Step 12. Fill up the details. The gift certificate product is recognized in the field Product Type set as Gift. 

Step 13. Under Other information, make sure your new gift certificate product is set to have Product Type as 'Gift'

Step 14. Click, 'Add a Record' Button and you have successfully setup the Gift certificate

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to Enable and setup Gift Certificates on VPCart 9, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/giftcertificates.htm

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