Video Tutorial - How to Setup Product Label in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - How to Setup Product Label in VPCart 9

Step 1. Go to VPCart administration: Advanced settings >> Software configuration

Step 2. The Product Labels are managed by modifying a few configuration options. Type 'xproductlabel' in the search box and click the search icon.

2a. xproductlabel: Setting this to Yes to enable the Product Labels.

2b. xproductlabelimages: Enter the labels image paths separated by a comma eg images/yourlabel1.png, images/yourlabel2.png...

If you have previously set xproductlabelimagescaptions with x captions, then you should also set the xproductlabelimages with x images paths

2c. xproductlabelimagescaptions: This is what will display on the dropdowns in the edit product administration page under the “Pricing and Stock Control” section

2d. xproductlabelimagesstock: If you have the check stock config xcheckstocklevel enabled, when a product stock is reaching low level or empty stock level, this sold out image overlay will be displayed when you have Product Labels featured enabled for the product.

Step 3. Click Continue

Step 4. To assign a product for a product label, Go to Store > Products

Step 5. Click Add or Edit existing products records. Here we can edit a product with Catalog ID 17 and name kitchen set

Step 6. Locate the “Pricing and Stock Control” and click arrow down to expand it.

Step 7. You should see “Product Label” dropdowns and you can pick up one for the product. For example 10% off

Step 8. Click Update Record

Step 9. Now go to the front store and access the product to view the product label. Here you can see the 10% OFF label. When a product has been selected for a label the label image path eg images/10off.png is stored into Products table into the field “product_label”.

Step 10. To assign a category for a product label, Go to Store > Categories

Step 11. Click Add or Edit existing categories records. For example we can edit Category Number: 4

Step 12. You should see “Product Label” dropdowns and you can pick up one for the category. For example select label named 'Sale'

Step 13. Click Update Record

Step 14. Now go to the front store and you can see all the products belongs to the category Kitchen will show with the label image SALE.

Step 15. If you have set a product with a Product Label, but that product’s category also assigned with a different Product Label, then VPCart will priority to display the Product Label image that set on Product record rather than from Product Label on Category record.

We have set the product 'Kitchen set' with label 10 % OFF earlier and the category list will display the 10% OFF label instead of SALE.

Thank you for watching and we hope you have found this tutorial useful.

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/productlabel.htm

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