Video Tutorial - Adding Twitter to your home page

Length: 02:08 mins Updated: 11/6/2018 Version: 7.00 Views: 5916

This tutorial will walk you through how to add Twitter to your home page.


You can display your twitter posts in 3 locations on the home page.

The left, right or center column. Or all 3 if you really wanted to.

  1. Log into your admin and go to Website > Layout Manager
  2. Decide where you would like the Twitter messages to display. In this example I will add to the center column.
  3. At the bottom of the center column there is an Add Box button. Click this. A new empty container will appear on the page.
  4. Click the edit link.
  5. From the drop down list select twitter.
  6. Enable = Yes???????
  7. The label can read as:
    Follow us on Twitter
  8. Sequence number in this example can be 015 as I want it to display near the top of the center page.
  9. Show in Box can be Yes.
  10. Twitter Options we will set to Twitter Profile. This allows only tweets from you to be displayed.
  11. Change the twitter username to your twitter name.
  12. Leave search text blank???????
  13. Show in SSL leave set No. This will hide the Twitter box when in SSL mode to stop errors showing on your site.
  14. You can for the moment leave the rest of the settings in their default mode.
  15. Click Save Changes and then Close.
  16. Lets go back to our home page and click refresh.

You can now see the new Twitter container display on your home page!

I hope you found this tutorial helpful.

User Manual Reference

For more information about adding new categories, you can also refer to User Manual - Chapter 8 CONTENT MANAGEMENT

VP-ASP 7.00 User Manual can be found at:

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