Part 2: How to link to a new content page in VP-ASP Cart 7.0

Length: 01:30 mins Updated: 11/6/2018 Version: 7.00 Views: 6044

Part 2:

This is part 2 of adding a new content page and then linking to the new page.

There are a number of locations you can place this link.

You can add it to the horizontal menu or to left or right columns or all 3 locations.

  1. Lets log in to our admin and go to the website tab and then Layout Manager.
  2. Under the Header navigation section click edit.
    The page you see now has all of the menu items from the main horizontal menu.
  3. Click Add menu item
  4. You now need to enter the link and then as we have created the page earlier we can select from our list of existing content pages to point the link to.
  5. Enter where on the menu you would like the new link to appear. For example 10 will be the first and 80 will be the last.
  6. Do you want the link to open in the same site or in a new window? In this example we are creating an internal link so lets leave it as same window.
  7. Is the link to appear in the main menu or as a sub menu of an existing link?
  8. Click submit.

You can now see the link appear in the list.

Lets have a look at the front of the site.

Click refresh and you will see your new link appear in the menu.

The next tutorial will be on how to add the new content page link to the left column.

User Manual Reference

For more information about adding new categories, you can also refer to User Manual - Chapter 8 CONTENT MANAGEMENT

VP-ASP 7.00 User Manual can be found at:

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