Video Tutorial- How to set up different company information for each of your different sites that are sharing the same database

Video Tutorial- How to set up different company information for each of your different sites that are sharing the same database

Step 1. Firstly, Go to VPCart administration: Advanced settings >> Software configuration from the top menu

Step 2. In the search box,  type in 'xsite_sharecompany' and click search icon

Step 3. By default it will be Yes, which means all sites with single database share same mycompany info.

Step 4. Select No from dropdown, which means all sites with single database, will use their own company info.

Step 5. Click, Continue button

Step 6. Now go to VPCart administration: Advanced settings >> Software Configuration > Business Details and update the Company information

Step 7. The shopcustcontact.asp page will be displaying the company information.

Step 8. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for other stores which is sharing the same database

User Manual Reference

For more information about modifying the company information, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/companyinformation.htm

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