Video Tutorial - How to setup stock for product variants in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - How to setup stock for product variants in VPCart 9

It is very easy to add stock for Product variants. Let us take the example of product T-shirt with options Colour and size as variants. The stock will be zero for all the products by default. Each variant can have their own product code, inventory (stock), price, product cost, weight and image.

Step 1. To add stock Go to VPCart administration: Store >>Products

Step 2. Click Edit icon againt product T-shirt

Step 3. Scroll the page down and you can see section 'Product Variants'. The product variants are listed with options to add, edit and Delete.

Step 4. First we can add stock for variant with Color: Blue and size : small. For this click edit icon against the variant

Step 5. Enter Stock value under field Stock. Let's put stock as 100

Step 6. Click Update Record

Step 7. Variant updated message will be shown if the record updated successfully.

Step 8. Click 'Back to Products'.

Step 9. Similary add stock for other variants or update stock. We can put Red, Small with stock 150 and Blue, Medium with stock 200

Step 10. Click 'Update Record' button

Step 11. Now we need to Enable Stock control on the Cart. For this go to Advanced settings >> Software configuration from the menu.

Step 12. Type in xstockcontrol in the search box and click search button

Step 13. Select Yes and click continue button

Step 14. Go back to the Shop and refresh the Product page with T-Shirt. You can select the options and see the stock for each variant

Step 15. Now go back to VPCart admin: Store >> Products

Step 16. Click Edit icon against the same product

Step 17. To faster filling up the price, weight and stock fields, you can use “Set Global Price, Weight and Stock”. Click the button.

You can enter value for price, weight and stock field in the popup form, and once you submit the form, it will auto populate the entered values into each variants you have. For example let's put stock as 500 and click save btton. As you can see all the variants have stock 500 now, instead of different stock earlier.

Step 18. Click Update Record to save the changes

Step 19. Go back to your shop and refresh the page.

Step 20. You can see all variants for T-shirt shows stock 500 now.

Step 21. Similarly you can bulk update price and weight too for the variants.

Thank you for watching and we hope you have found this tutorial useful.

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/addingproductvariants.htm

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