Video Tutorial - How to Setup Customer Group with discounted price in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - How to Setup Customer Group with discounted price in VPCart 9

Step 1. Firstly, Go to VPCart administration, and go to 'Customers > Customer Groups' from the top menu 

Step 2. Click, Add button

Step 3. Group name: Enter Group name

Step 4. Description: Enter Description for the group

Step 5. Discount: If the field value is smaller than 1, then it will be a percentage. If the field value greater than 1, it will be a fixed amount.  Say 0.1

Step 6. Product Price Field: It lists the field in the products table to be used for a particular customer group. Example: retailprice 

Step 7. Priority is used for discounting purposes and very useful if a customeris entered into many groups. 

Step 8. VPCART applies an automatic priority for group Type. A customer group that is static will be first priority followed by thecustomer group that is dynamic. 

Step 9. The value for manual priority should be numerical; e.g. 1 or 2 or 3 etc. With 1 as the top priority rather than other bigger numbers.

Step 10. Type: static or Dynamic. For static group we need to add customers manually. SQL query is used to add members to the dynamic group automatically.

Step 11. Click, 'Add a Record' button

Step 12. Now we can add a customer to the group. For this click the button under 'action' for the group

Step 13. Select the customer and click 'Add selected records' button

Step 14. Say, For product with catalog id 51 have, c price - $100 and retailprice -  $80

Step 15. Now login to the cart as the customer we just assigned to the group and the cart will show discounted price.

Step 16. Discounted price= $80 - ($80 * 0.1)= $72

Step 17. xcustomerprices should be set to 'Yes' in software configuration to enable customer-based pricing.

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to Setup Customer Group, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/customergroups.htm

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