Video Tutorial - Design manager - How to modify form Input / Dropdown Fields in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - Design manager - How to modify form Input / Dropdown Fields in VPCart 9

Step 1. Login to VPCart admin panel and go to ''website'' >> ''Design Manager'' from top menu

Step 2. Click ''Custom'' tab and choose ''Content'' from the ''Section'' dropdowns

Step 3. Choose the option ''Forms'' from the ''Sub section'' dropdowns

Step 4. Set Input / Dropdown Fields background color, font color and font size.

Step 5. To pick your own color, click on the color box, and you will be presented with a color picker popup

Step 6. The popup will have HSV panel, Sliders and also Swatches color picker.

Step 7. Click ''Save'' button after selecting appropriate BG color, font color and font size and then click ''Ok'' Button

Step 8. The Layout manager will show, preview of the forms.

Step 9. Now go to your front store and refresh the page to view the new input / dropdown fields style

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/howtousethisdesignmanagerfeatureinvpcart.htm

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