Step 1. First you need to download the module from
Step 2. Please enter your Order Number and the email address you received from VPCart to access the VPCart Add-Ons. Select the module and click 'Get Add-on' button. After that you will receive the module zip file via email.
Step 3. Download and unzip the module zip file in your local computer.
Step 4. Open '$READ_ME_FIRST_UPS900.html' in a browser to view the installation instructions. As mentioned in readme upload all the files to your shopping cart folder.
Step 5. After that login to VPCart admin interface.
Step 6. Execute setup file 'ups_setup.asp' to install the module.
Step 7. Click 'Install Now' button
Step 8. Click 'Module configuration page' link to configure the module
Step 9. Set Enable to Yes and click Save button
Step 10. Click 'Configure' link to configure the module settings.
Step 11. Select shipping calculation from the dropdown menu. For example weightrange
Step 12. You can add records to shipping table according to your shipping calculation selected
Step 13. Click Add UPS Real-Time Shipping.
Step 14. Click Next button
Step 15. You need to agree to the UPS license agreement, then you are prompted to enter your details.
Step 16. These need to match the details you used when signing up with UPS.
Step 17. You must not enter any special characters in this form, such as &, as these can result in errors being returned from the UPS server.
Step 18. Click Next and complete the configuration
Step 19. If you have some specific requirements, you can make these changes in the Configure UPS screen as shown here
Step 20. For this Go to Modules>>modules manager from VPCart admin menu
Step 21. Click Edit icon next to UPS module
Step 22. Click 'Configure'
Step 23. Scroll down the page and click on Configure UPS real-time shipping button
Step 24. Modify the settings according to your preference
Step 25. Click Submit to save the changes
For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/ups.htm