Video Tutorial - How to Setup Shipping by Country and State in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - How to Setup Shipping by Country and State in VPCart 9

To allow shipping by country, you need to set few Software Configuration options.

Step 1. For this go to VPCart admin>>Advanced settings>>Software configuration

Step 2. In the search box type in 'Xshippingbycountry' and click search icon. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART that the country field is used when reading records in the shipmethods table. This allows you to specify different shipping values for different countries. Select 'Yes' from dropdown and click continue.

Step 3. Now search for 'Xincludecountries' and set to yes. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART to generate a dropdown list of countries on the customer form.

Step 4. Click Continue

Step 5. For example we can set Shipping by Country and Weight Range. For this we need to set software configuration 'Xshippingcalc'. Type in 'Xshippingcalc' and click search icon

Step 6. Ensure that all products have a value in their weight field to use weightrange option for shipping.

Step 7. Select 'Weightrange' from dropdown.

Step 8. Click 'Continue'

Step 9. Now go to Advanced Settings > Shipping & Handling from the menu. Here you will need to add all of your records for each country. Each country will need their own specified set of weight ranges. For example we can set up weight range for US and do a test checkout.

Step 10. You also need to create one set of records and put "other" into the country field so that those countries that do not have specific records will obtain their shipping rates from the "other" set of records.

Step 11. The first weight range for the 'US' is 0-2 and we have set a base price of $5

Step 12. Click Update Record

Step 13. Click 'Return to shipping Methods Table' button

Step 14. Click "+ Add Record" button to add more weight ranges. Say base price $10 for weight range 2-5 for the country 'US'.

Step 15. Click + Add a Record. Keep adding more countries and more ranges until your requirements are met.

Step 16. Now we can try test checkout of a product with weight 2 Kg and country US. As you can see the shipping cost is $10. which correct according to the shipping table.

Step 17. As earlier we need to set few Software Configuration options to use this feature. For this go to VPCart admin >> Advanced settings>>software configuration

Step 18. Type in 'Xshippingbystate' in the search box and click search icon. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART that the state field is used when reading records in the shipmethods table. The value “None” can be used instead of a state abbreviation in the shipmethods table when you do not want to have records for all states. Select Yes from dropdown and click continue

Step 19. Now search for 'Xincludestates' under software configuration. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART to generate a dropdown list of states on the customer form. Select 'Yes' and click Continue.

Step 20. Now search for Xshippingcalc. For example, we can select weightrange for shipping calcualtion.

Step 21. Click Continue

Step 22. Go to Advanced Settings > Shipping & Handling from VPCart admin menu

Step 23. For each specific state, you need to create the appropriate shipping records as normal. For example we can add weight range 0-2 for the state Mississippi with base cost of $5. For this click edit icon or click '+Add a Record'.Here we can edit a default record.

Step 24. Click 'Update Record' button

Step 25. Click 'Return to Shipping methods table' button.

Step 26. Say weight range 2-10 with base price $9 for the state Florida. Click '+ Add a Record'.

Step 27. Now we can try a test checkout for a product with weight 2 Kg and state Florida. The shipping Cost is shown as $9, which is correct according to the shipping table for state Florida

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/shipping.htm

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