Video Tutorial - Query Builder in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - Query Builder in VPCart 9

With Query Builder, an administrator can have the flexibility to perfom a query using easy tool to display records. This tool also allows the administrator to save their own created query for a table and load the queries when editing a table.

Step 1. Query Builder can be found in theVPCART Control Panel : Misc >Query & Export

Step 2. To create a query, choose a table from the Selections dropdown menu. A list of fields from the selected table will then be displayed at the right side of the dropdown menu.

Step 3. You can choose to select All or only select the needed fields.

Step 4. If you need to filter out records based on criteria, you can use the criteria options.

4a. Click Run query to display the result of the query.

4b. Click Save Query – 'New' to save the query as a new query.

4c. Click Load Query to load all previous saved queries from the selected table.

Step 5. If you want to replace an existing query of a table with a new one, click 'Load Query' and choose the query you want to load, then modify the query in the editor and click 'Save Query – Existing'.

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/querybuilder.htm

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