Video Tutorial - How to Setup Tax by Country and State in VPCart 9

Video Tutorial - How to Setup Tax by Country and State in VPCart 9

Step 1. To setup Tax by Country: From VPCart administration, go to Advanced Settings > International

Step 2. Click View/Edit Countries

Step 3. Click the Edit button next to the country you want to add a tax rate to. For example, we can set tax for the country United Kingdom. For this click 'Edit' icon next to United Kingdom

Step 4. If you want UK residents to be charged a tax of 17.5%, you would add 0.175 to the countrytaxrate field.

Step 5. Click Update Record button

Step 6. Record updated message will be shown after completion

Step 7. Click 'Back to shopcountries' button

Step 8. You can see the tax rate got modified for UK

Step 9. Now go to Advanced settings >> Software configuration

Step 10. In the search box type in xincludecountries and click 'search' icon. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART to generate a dropdown list of countries on the customer form rather than allowing them to enter their own country manually. For example we can see a test cart with xincludecountries set to yes. The shopcustregister.asp page will show a dropdown list of Countries as xincludecountries set to yes

Step 11. For testing tax by country we can do a test checkout and see whether the country tax is shown correctly. Add an item to the cart. For example 'Computer desk' with price US$100.00 and checkout with Country selected as 'United Kingdom'. As you can see the tax amount is shown as US$17.5, which is 17.5% of product cost US$100

Step 12. Now we can see how to setup tax by state. For this, in your shop administration, go to Advanced Settings > International

Step 13. Click View/Edit States

Step 14. For example, we can set tax for the state: Muray. For this click edit icon next to it. If you want Muray residents to be charged a tax of 7.5%, you would add 0.075 to the statetaxrate field.

Step 15. Click Update Record button

Step 16. Now click on Advanced settings >> Software configuration from menu

Step 17. In the search box type in Xincludestates and click 'search' icon. Setting this to Yes tells VPCART to generate a dropdown list of states on the customer form rather than allowing them to enter their own state by hand. Now we can see a test store with Xincludestates set to yes. The shopcustregister.asp page will display a dropdown list of states as Xincludestates set to yes.

Step 18. Now let us do a test checkout. For example product Computer desk with price US$100 and state selected as Muray. As you can see the state tax is shown as US$7.5, which is 7.5% of Product cost US$100

Thank you for watching and we hope you have found this tutorial useful.

User Manual Reference

For more information about how to use Design Manager to change the look of your site, you can also refer to our VPCart 9 User Guide at!Documents/tax.htm

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