How to configure Spam Assasssin under Plesk

How to configure Spam Assasssin under Plesk

Some breif instructions are given below:

  • Log into PLESK using your username and password.
  • Select the "Home" link (top Left corner in the "General" box.)
  • Select the domain that the email account is on where you wish to configure spam assassin
  • Select the Mail Icon
  • Select the mail account name you wish to add or edit spam assassin on
  • Select the Spam Filter Icon
  • Now the options for the spam assaain are available.
  • To enable the spam filter if it already isn't enabled, from the "Preferences" TAB, there will be a lever icon with enable under neath it. If it is already enabled, it will have Disable underneath the level.
  • The Score is the sensitivity of the filter. The higher the number (max. 7.0) the higher the sensitivity to detect Spam. At the higher sensitivities, the risk of the spam filter detecting non-spam mail as spam mail is higher. So it is recommended to start your spam filter at lower levels such as 4.0 and gradually work your way up over time until you are sure that the filter is only catching real spam.
  • There is an option to delete the spam mail from the mailbox when it comes into the server. Initially this should not be checked so that you can see all the mail that the filter thought was spam is labelled with ****SPAM**** and still coming into your mail client on your PC.
  • If you see that some non-spam mails are being labelled with ****SPAM**** then we recommend that you click the TAB "White List" and add the email account to the white list so that it is never labelled as spam again -- instructions are given below the box where you enter the email addresses on how to add them.
  • Likewise, if you receive spam constantly from the same addresses, you can black list them using the "Black List" TAB.
  • It is also possible to train the spam assassin ("Training" TAB- this may take some time to open depending on the number of mails on your INBOX) by helping it if it thought something was spam or not.

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Cam Flanigan
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