Why my UPS is showing high rates than UPS site

Why my UPS is showing high rates than UPS site

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For some reasons, you may find out that UPS rates showing on your VPCart site is higher than the rates showing on UPS site.

If you experience such issue, there are two UPS settings you may want to check in your VPCart shipping administration:

1. "Allow certain products to be shipped separately?" needs to set to No.

2. "Pick-up type" needs to set to "Suggested Retail Rate (UPS Store)".

Additional Settings:

There is another setting you may want to check which is to allow UPS Negotiated Rates.
Negotiated Rates are the contract rates established with UPS and your UPS Account Representative.

If your UPS account have Negotiated Rates, you can enable this in your VPCart administration for the UPS settings:

Display Negotiated Rate? needs to set to Yes.

Next, to activate with "Negotiable rates", please follow the below steps:

1. Log into UPS.com with your User ID and password.

2. Click on the name on the top right hand side of the screen.

3. Select Accounts and Payment.

4a. If the account number is on this screen with an edit button on the right side of it.

4ai. Click Edit and you should be prompted to authenticate the account by providing the most recent invoice information for the account.

4b. If you do not have your account number listed here, then you need to select Add existing account from Add a Payment Methods dropdown, and click Add button.

4bi. Fill in the following information:

Choose "Documents and Packages"

Account Number: Your UPS account number

Nickname: UPS VPCart

Fill in your Country:

Postal Code for Pickup Address:

4bii. Select a method to verify the account.

4biii. Add your payment method

5. Once your account is validated you will start seeing the negotiated rates.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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