How To Redirect VPCart Home Links To The Root Site Homepage

How To Redirect VPCart Home Links To The Root Site Homepage

For some merchants, they might have put their VPCart site files into a sub folder eg because they have their own custom website content in the root.

And for this needs, the VPCart home links needs to be linked to their own custom website homepage at root rather than linking to VPCart homepage (default.asp).

For those merchants that needs to redirect VPCart Home links to their own custom root site homepage, there are four sections related :
- Breadcrumbs Home link
- Top navigation Home link
- Logo URL link
- Footer Home link

Now, we will explain in steps how you can update the above :

A. Breadcrumbs Home Link

breadcrumbs home link

Breadcrumbs Home link is loaded from config xhome. And the default value for xhome is default.asp.

To redirect the breadcrumbs Home link to your root homepage, you can follow the steps :

1. Login to your VPCart administration.
2. Go to : Advanced Settings > Software Configuration
3. Search for : xhome
4. You will see result showing default value is default.asp
5. Please change to your own root homepage eg ../index.html
(Note : the ../ means it will go upper one level from your current VPCart site in sub folder)


6. Click Continue button.

B. Top navigation Home Link

Home Logo

You can change the Home link in top navigation menu by following these steps :

1. Login to your VPCart administration.
2. Go to: Website > Menu Manager
3. Locate first record langcommonhome and click edit.

4. Locate the URL field and change default.asp to your own root homepage eg ../index.html
(Note : the ../ means it will go upper one level from your current VPCart site in sub folder)

edit home menu

5. Click Submit
6. Click Reload Menu.

Reload Menu

C. Logo URL Link
Logo url link

The logo URL link is loaded from xmysite value which is stored in your shop$config.asp. You cannot update the xmysite value to use your root homepage url because this will cause shopping cart not able to work.

To change the logo url link, there is a little tweak needed.

Please follow these steps :

1. Open your file shoplayoutmgrlogo.asp using notepad or text editor.

2. Locate this code around line 39-43 :

if trim(xmysite) <> "" then
linkurl = xmysite
linkurl = "default.asp"
end if

3. Directly below it, please insert :

linkurl = getconfig("xhome")

4. Save the file and upload to your site.

Below is the preview of the code after change :


D. Footer Home Link

Footer Home link

You can change the Home link in footer navigation menu by following these steps :

1. Login to your VPCart administration.
2. Go to: Website > Layout Manager
3. Locate Footer Right Container and click Edit.

Footer Right Container

4. Locate first record LangCommonHome and click edit.

LangCommonHome Footer

5. Locate the Link URL field and change default.asp to your own root homepage eg ../index.html
(Note : the ../ means it will go upper one level from your current VPCart site in sub folder)

Edit footer home link

6. Click Edit Link button.

If you have any issues following the above, you can submit a helpdesk ticket to us.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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