By default, the shipping fields are not mandatory in VPCart (eg
Ship to Name
, Shipping address, Shipping City etc..).
If you need to make them all to be mandatory, please follow these steps :
1. Open file shopcustomerform.asp using notepad or text editor.
2. Locate this code :
CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langShipName"),"shipname", strshipname,"No",""
3. Please change to :CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langShipName"),"shipname", strshipname,"Yes",""
4. Locate this code :CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustAddress"), "shipaddress", strshipaddress,"No",""
5. Please change to :CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustAddress"), "shipaddress", strshipaddress,"Yes",""
6. Locate this code :CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustCity"), "shiptown", strshiptown ,"No",""
7. Please change to :CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustCity"), "shiptown", strshiptown ,"Yes",""
8. Locate this code:CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustPostCode"),"shipzip", strshipzip,"No",""
9. Please change to:CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustPostCode"),"shipzip", strshipzip,"Yes",""
10. Locate this code:CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustCountry"), "shipcountry", strshipCountry,"No",""
11. Please change to:CreateFieldSetRow GetLang("langCustCountry"), "shipcountry", strshipCountry,"Yes",""
12. Locate this code :HtmlWrite "<label>" & GetLang("langCustState") & "</label>"
13. Please change to :HtmlWrite "<label>" & "* " & GetLang("langCustState") & "</label>"
14. Locate this code:htmlwrite "<label>" & getlang("langCustPostCode") & "</label>"
15. Please change to:htmlwrite "<label>" & "* " & getlang("langCustPostCode") & "</label>"
16. Locate this code :HtmlWrite "<label>" & GetLang("langCustCountry") & "</label>"
17. Please change to :HtmlWrite "<label>" & "* " & GetLang("langCustCountry") & "</label>"
18. Save the file and upload to your site via FTP.
if GetConfig("xhearaboutusrequired")="Yes" and strhearaboutus="" then
SError = SError & GetLang("langhearaboutus") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
session("serror_hearaboutus") = "yes"
end if
if (instr(lcase(request.ServerVariables("script_name")), "shopcustregister.asp") > 0) then
if strshipname = "" then
SError = SError & GetLang("langShipName") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
if strshipaddress = "" then
SError = SError & "Shipping " & GetLang("langCustAddress") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
if strshiptown = "" then
SError = SError & "Shipping " & GetLang("langCustCity") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
if strshipstate = "" then
SError = SError & "Shipping " & GetLang("langCustState") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
if strshipzip = "" then
SError = SError & "Shipping " & GetLang("langCustPostCode") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
if strshipCountry = "" then
SError = SError & "Shipping " & GetLang("langCustCountry") & GetLang("langCustRequired") & "<br />"
end if
end if