How To Increase Upload Size Limit on IIS

How To Increase Upload Size Limit on IIS

By default, IIS web server allows for limited file size to be uploaded to the web server.

If you try to upload an image from your VPCart product administration and you get the following error:

Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'
Operation not Allowed
/admin/shopa_uploadfilethumbpop.asp, line 83

Then it is issue with upload size limit on your web server IIS.

Please follw these steps to increase maximum allowed size for file uploads on IIS:

1. Open IIS Manager.

2. Select your website / domain.

3. Double-click on "ASP" menu.

4. Click the arrow Limits Properties to expand it.

5. Locate the "Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit and try to increase the value.
For example, if you set 50000000 means to allow 50MB size upload.

6. Click Apply on the right panel.

After that, you should be able to upload any image size below the 50Mb.

Thank you.

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