How to install MailChimp newsletter into your VPCart 8 site

How to install MailChimp newsletter into your VPCart 8 site

Please follow below steps on how to install MailChimp into your VPCart site (V8) :

1. Go to our addon download center at :

2. Locate : Newsletter 8.00, select it.

3. Enter your Order Number and E-mail address in the top of the form.

4. Click GET ADD-ON button.

5. Unzip the addon, follow the readme to install into your VPCart site.

6. After installing the addon, at the module manager setup page, please enable Newsletter module and enable MailChimp, and also enter your MailChimp account details:

7. Please make sure to enter the following fields:

MailChimp: API Key: Enter your API Key here.

To get API Key, follow these:

- Login to your mail chimp account
- Click your profile name to expand the Account Panel and choose Account Settings.
- Click the Extras menu and choose API keys.
- Copy an existing API key or click the Create A Key button

MailChimp: List ID: Enter your List ID (also known as Audience ID) here.

To get MailChimp: List ID, follow these:

- Login to your mail chimp account
- Click Audience at top
- Click View Contact button
- Click the Settings drop-down and choose Audience name and defaults.
- In the Audience ID section, you'll see a string of letters and numbers. This is the List ID.

MailChimp: Endpoint: This the portion after the dash in your API Key. e.g. us1, us2, uk1, us14 etc.
8b2904282e3c1a12f4bf6612fa1e0b3e-us14. Your endpoint would be: us14

8. Now, go to Website > Layout Manager menu administration in your VPCart site.
You can choose to show the newsletter section in left / center / right column.

Example, to display newsletter section in the left column, click the Add Box in the left column bottom.

8. In the Empty box section of left column, click Edit.

9. In the "Main Selection" choose Body Newsletter.

10. Fill in the form and click Save Changes.

11. Now go to : Advanced Settings » International » Language menu from your VPCart administration.

12. Click Reset Language and select your default language.

13. Click Continue.

14. You are done. Please go to your front store and you should see the Newsletter section.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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