How To Fix Issue With Certain Slider Banner Record Not Able to Moveup, Movedown, Edit or Delete

How To Fix Issue With Certain Slider Banner Record Not Able to Moveup, Movedown, Edit or Delete

This particular problem only happens with the older versions before v8.00.10.3.

In older versions before v8.00.10.3, when you create a slider banner record in Layout Manager and put a banner link that contains a single quote, for example the banner link is eg :'s-favorite/

You can see the banner link has the single quote at the children's. In this case, if you try to Moveup, Movedown, Edit or Delete the banner record, you will see it will do nothing.

Please see the below screenshot that showing the location of the Moveup, Movedown, Edit or Delete the banner record:

There are two alternative you can do :

Solution 1 :

You can upgrade to our latest version at :

Our latest version already have a fix for this.

Solution 2 :

If you do not yet planning for an upgrade to latest version, then you will need to follow the steps below manually to fix the above issue.

1) Please download the file shopa_layoutmgr_imagelinks_subs.asp located in your admin folder to your local PC.

2) Open the file using note pad or any text editor.

3) Locate this code (around line 188-191):

HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""edit"& prefix &"links('"& laltnames(icnt) &"','"& ldescriptions(icnt) &"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& llinks(icnt) &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/admin/main/edit.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""remove"& prefix &"links('"& laltnames(icnt) &"','"& ldescriptions(icnt) &"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& llinks(icnt) &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/remove.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""moveup"& prefix &"link('"& laltnames(icnt) &"','"& ldescriptions(icnt) &"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& llinks(icnt) &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/go_up.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""movedown"& prefix &"link('"& laltnames(icnt) &"','"& ldescriptions(icnt) &"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& llinks(icnt) &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/go_down.gif'></td>"

4) Please replace to :

'800 - 2015.10.09 - Bug Fix: Slider Banner: Not able to Moveup, Movedown, edit if title string contained single quote '
dim slidertitle
slidertitle = laltnames(icnt)
slidertitle = replace(slidertitle, "'", "\'")
'800 - 2016.02.23 - Admin: Layout Manager: Image Links: Replace double quote and single quote
dim sliderdesc, slidelink
sliderdesc = Replace(ldescriptions(icnt), """", "\x22")
sliderdesc = Replace(sliderdesc, "'", "\'")
slidelink = Replace(llinks(icnt), "'", "\'")
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""edit"& prefix &"links('"& slidertitle &"','"&sliderdesc&"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& slidelink &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/admin/main/edit.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""remove"& prefix &"links('"& slidertitle &"','"&sliderdesc&"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& slidelink &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/remove.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""moveup"& prefix &"link('"& slidertitle &"','"&sliderdesc&"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& slidelink &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/go_up.gif'></td>"
HtmlWrite "<td><img class='imagelink' onclick=""movedown"& prefix &"link('"& slidertitle &"','"&sliderdesc&"','"& limages(icnt) &"','"& lwidths(icnt) &"','"& lheights(icnt) &"','"& prefix &"','"& slidelink &"','"& lopenins(icnt) &"')"" border='0' src='images/go_down.gif'></td>"

5. Save the file and upload to your site.

If you have any issues with this, please submit a helpdesk ticket to us at :

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Added By:
Wilson Keneshiro
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