Guide to Customise Homepage With 3 Columns And All Other Pages With 2 Columns For Your VPCart

Guide to Customise Homepage With 3 Columns And All Other Pages With 2 Columns For Your VPCart

In this helpnote, we will show you the trick on how to show homepage with 3 columns but all other pages with 2 columns.

Please follow the steps below :
1. Login to your VPCart > Advanced Settings > Software Configurations.
Search for below configs and set values as below :

xUniqueFrontpageHeader : shopfrontpage_header.htm
xUniqueFrontpageFooter : shopfrontpage_trailer.htm

Click Continue once done.

2. Open file shoppage_trailer.htm in folder "templates/default" using notepad or text editor.

3. Locate and remove the code below (around line 18-22) :

<!-- RIGHT BAR -->
<div id="vp_rightsidebox">
<!-- END RIGHT BAR -->

5. Still on the same file, before this code </body>, please insert :

<script type="text/javascript">
document.querySelector(".content-wrapper > .row > div:first-child").setAttribute("class","col-md-9 col-sm-8 col-md-push-3 col-xs-12 mobile-wrapper");
document.querySelector("#vp_leftsidebox > div").setAttribute("class","col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 col-md-pull-9 mobile-wrapper hide-to-mobile")

6. Save the file and upload to your site.

You are done.

Below is the preview for homepage with 3 columns and all other pages with 2 columns.

Good luck and if you have any issues after applying this trick, please feel free to submit a helpdesk ticket to us at

Thank you.

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Added By:
Wilson Keneshiro
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