Product Description and Content Description are Empty After Upgrading to VPCart 9

Product Description and Content Description are Empty After Upgrading to VPCart 9

You may have issue that after upgrading to VPCart 9 in a different folder or in a sub domain using your live db, the existing live site that is still using older VPCart version, suddenly have the product short description and long description empty. The same with the page/content description also empty.

This issue is identified only happen on SQL Server db.

If you got such case, it is probably your web server and your sql server have disabled the TLS 1.0.


You may need to ask your web host if Web Server and SQL Server db is located in the same server (machine) or not.

A. If the Web Server and SQL Server db are on SAME server, then please do these:

1) Please download your shop$config.asp file of your live site (older version) located in folder "config" and "admin/config" to your local PC.
Open the file using notepad or text editor and locate this eg:

const xsql_driver="SQL Server Native Client 11.0"

or any contains:

const xsql_driver="ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server"

or any contains:

const xsql_driver="ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server"

Please find one of the above if exist in your shop$config.asp, then please change the above line variable to have empty value:

const xsql_driver=""

2) Save the file and upload the file shop$config.asp back to folder "config" and "admin/config" in your site.

3) You can try to refresh your live site (old version) front store content pages, and product pages and also edit content and product records in administration for the description, and they should be working now.

B. If the Web Server and SQL Server db are on NOT in same server, then please do these:

1) You must download this module first "SQL Server Other Drivers Compatitable Patch".

For v8, you can download this SQL Server Other Drivers Compatitable Patch 8.00 at :

For v7, you can download this SQL Server Other Drivers Compatitable Patch 7.00 at :

2) Please unzip the above module, and go to module folder "admin\sqlscripts". You should see a sub folder inside that is called eg sqlotherdrivers800 or sqlotherdrivers700.

If you are using VPCart 8.0 please upload the entire sub folder sqlotherdrivers800 into your VPCart 8 live site inside the folder "admin\sqlscripts".

If you are using VPCart 7.0 please upload the entire sub folder sqlotherdrivers700 into your VPCart 7 live site inside the folder "admin\sqlscripts".

3) Login to your live site (old version) administration, and go to top menu: Misc > Database Tool

4) In the "Filename":
- If you are using VPCart 7.0 enter: sqlscripts/sqlotherdrivers700/sqlserver.txt
- If you are using VPCart 8.0 enter: sqlscripts/sqlotherdrivers800/sqlserver.txt

5) Click Convert button.

6. If successfuly execute, you should see below eg:

Sql completed. Records read=62
Reload your Configuration
Reset your Language

7. Please click the "Reload your Configuration" and you are done.

8. You can try to refresh your live site (old version) front store content pages, and product pages and also edit content and product records in administration for the description, and they should be working now.

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Added By:
Wilson Keneshiro
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