USPS recently has applied changes in their end causing when returning response back to VPASP site always showing error :
This mail service requires Ground Transportation Only.
To fix the issue, you will need to update file uspostalinterface.asp with changes as below :
Please locate this code :
if not xmlDOM.selectSingleNode("//Description") is nothing then
Serror = Serror & xmlDOM.selectSingleNode("//Description").text & "<br>"
exit sub
end if
And please replace the above code to :
'if not xmlDOM.selectSingleNode("//Description") is nothing then
' Serror = Serror & xmlDOM.selectSingleNode("//Description").text & "<br>"
' exit sub
'end if
We have updated our latest USPS V4 module with this latest fix so you can also redownload from our VP-ASP Add-Ons page.