Dynamic meta tags not working for SQL SERVER DB (VP-ASP 7.00)

Dynamic meta tags not working for SQL SERVER DB (VP-ASP 7.00)

If you have issue with dynamic meta tags that won't work correctly, although you have set xdynamictitle to Yes and has entered value into meta title, meta description and meta keyword fields of a product, it could be because SQL Server driver issue. (This is only happen in SQL Server db site).

To fix the issue, you will need to modify the file shop$db.asp to use SQL OLE DB Driver instead of the default one.

Follow these steps below :

1. Open file shop$db.asp using notepad or text editor.

2. Locate around line 63 or so:

const xSqlOLEDb="No"

3. Please replace to :

const xSqlOLEDb="Yes"

4. Save the file and test.

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Added By:
Wilson Keneshiro
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