How to create an additional ftp account in Plesk

How to create an additional ftp account in Plesk

If you want to give access to the website contents to others or to your web development team, you can create an additional ftp account.

To create an additional ftp account please follow the steps below.

1. Login to plesk control panel.

2. Go to Websites & Domains(tab) and click FTP Access

3. Click Add an FTP Account.

4.Specify the following:

FTP account name : Type a desired ftp username.

Home directory: Select the directory to which the user will be taken when he or she connects to the FTP account.

New password / Confirm Password : Your desired ftp password

Click Generate button to generate a random password. Click Show button to view and note down the generated password. Or you can type in your own password.

Hard disk quota : To limit the amount of disk space on the server that the FTP user can occupy, clear the Unlimited checkbox next to the Hard disk quota box, and type the amount of disk space in megabytes.

Read permission : To allow the FTP user to view the contents of the home directory and download files from it, select the Read permission checkbox.

Write permission : To allow the FTP user to create, view, rename and delete directories in the home directory, select the Write permission checkbox.

You need to set write permission for the ftp user, to upload files to the server.

5. Click Ok

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