Setup email configurations for GoDaddy hosting for Office 365

Setup email configurations for GoDaddy hosting for Office 365

GoDaddy has recently changed their mail server to use Office 365.

If your VPCart site is hosting at GoDaddy, you will need to make sure you use the correct mail server configurations. The steps as below:

1. Login to your VPCart control panel.

2. Go to : Advanced Settings > Software Configurations.

3. Click the Site Details link.

4. Enter value for the below configs :

xemailsystem: please enter :
xemailtype: CDOSYS
xemailusername: enter with your Office 365 mail account username eg [email protected]
xemailpassword: enter with your Office 365 mail account password
xemailsmtpport: 25
xemailsmtpconnectiontimeout: 60
xemailsmtpusessl: No

5. Click Continue.

To test if the new mail setting will work, please go to menu: Misc > Diagnostic Manager > Click Email tab.
Then enter the following fields:
Sender Email: Please enter an email as sender
Recipient Email: Please fill in with your desired email to get the test email.
Email Subject: Please fill in with any subject

Then click Test Email button.

If you get the test email then your cart site mail settings is configured well.

If it is not working, then please contact GoDaddy hosting team directly for what value should be entered to use with their email system.

For non GoDaddy customers that are trying to configure VPCart mail settings to use with Office 365, please refer to the following helpnote:

Thank you.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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