Email Problems
The most common problem with e-mails is that you do not receive them. Here are some possible causes. There is no way we can tell where the message goes after it is handed to the interface. We cannot tell if it ever leaves your system or not . Please run our diagnostic tool diag_dbtest.asp. If it says OK, then it means that VP-ASP has handed the mail to the interface. You now need to ask your ISP why it is not going to the Internet.
The two most common problems are:
- You have the wrong xemailsystem in VP-ASP Shop Configuration. There is no standard name. Only your web hosting company can tell you your e-mail system name. You are using the wrong Interface.
- You may have selected CDONTS for example when CDONTS is not supported by your web hosting company. You need to ask them which of the interfaces they support.
Troubleshooting Email Issues
By default VP-ASP masks emailing issues so that the rest of your cart can continue to function correctly. Unfortunately this makes troubleshooting emailing issues slightly more difficult.
If you are not receiving email, first turn off the error masking to determine whether a system error is being generated. To do this you need to:
- Open shopmail.asp in a text editor
- Locate the lines:
on error resume next
If getconfig("xdebug")="Yes" then
Debugwrite "to=" & my_to & "(" & my_toaddress &") from=" & my_from &"("& my_fromaddress &")"
debugwrite "attachments=" & orderattachmentcount
debugwrite body
end if
- Change these to read:
'on error resume next
'If getconfig("xdebug")="Yes" then
Debugwrite "to=" & my_to & "(" & my_toaddress &") from=" & my_from &"("& my_fromaddress &")"
debugwrite "attachments=" & orderattachmentcount
debugwrite body
'end if
- Re-upload shopmail.asp to your web server.
- Try testing if your mail works now by placing an order on your site
- At the bottom of the shopthanks.asp page you may now see an error message, along with the content that should exist in your end of order emails
- Try searching on Google for the error number. You should be able to find the cause of the issue from this error number
- If the error number refers to an authentication issue, try entering your email username and password details into shop$config.asp under each of the config "xmailusername" and "xmailpassword" (for 6.50 and versions above). For earlier versions, contact support via the helpdesk to try resolving this issue.
- Once you have resolved your email issue, you will need to restore your shopmail.asp file back to its original state by removing the single quotes you entered in in step 2.
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Wilson Keneshiro
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