Checking your database

Checking your database

VPASP comes with a tool that tests whether a database is working correctly. To test your database please follow these steps:

1 - The database testing tool is called "diag_dbtest.asp" and is located in the default VPASP directory. Make sure this file is located on your web server.

2 - Run the tool by entering the filename into your browser window, for example:

3 - The database configuration values are automatically entered from the shop$config.asp file. Verify that these details are correct and press "Test shop$config Settings"

4 - The results are split into 3 categories:

Database Read This checks whether information can be read from the database.
Database Write This checks whether information can be written to the database.
Database Permissions This checks the permissions on the database.

If this test comes back with the following response then your database is configured correctly.

Database Read PASS!
Database Write PASS!
Database Permissions PASS!

If any of these tests fail then please visit these links to find out how to fix the problem:

Database Read Failed
Database Write Failed
Database Permissions Failed

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Wilson Keneshiro
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