How do I add my own pages into VPCart 9 site and retain the formatting of the site?

How do I add my own pages into VPCart 9 site and retain the formatting of the site?

For new custom pages that you want to have the same VPCart 9 header and footer, you can follow the steps below:

1. First of all, you must make sure the custom pages are in .asp extension.

If your custom pages are in .html or .htm, please resave them to .asp extension.

2. Open the custom .asp file in notepad or text editor.

3. At the very top of the custom file insert the following:

<%option explicit%>
<!--#include file="shop$db.asp"-->
<%ShopOpenDatabase dbc%>

4. At the very bottom of the file, locate this:


5. Before the code, please insert this:


6. Save the custom file and upload it to the root of your VPCart 9 site.

Doing it this way will enable you to have your new pages appear with the same formatting as the rest of your site.

If you have any questions with this please post a helpdesk ticket to us at:

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Wilson Keneshiro
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