Security fix: XSS at while register an affiliate

Security fix: XSS at while register an affiliate

Please apply below fix, if you are using VPASP 7 with build date older than 3/September/2010, to avoild XSS attack register an affiliate page (shopaffregister.asp).

Modify shopaffregister.asp

1a. Open shopaffregister.asp

1b. Locate line affstrTypeofpayment = CleanChars(Request.Form("affstrTypeofpayment")) (estimate line 144, within routine sub ValidateData)

1c. Below the above code, please add:

'700 - 2010.09.03 - Bug Fix: XSS issue
if len(affstrTypeofpayment) > 50 then affstrTypeofpayment = ""

1d. Save

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