UPS real-time module patch to workaround the UPS DNS hacking issue

UPS real-time module patch to workaround the UPS DNS hacking issue

As a result of the UPS issues we have released a work around to ensure everyone is able to get up and running again.

To get started, please download the UPS patch file. To install the patch, simply extract the file to your server and then open the page on your web browser. If successful, you should see a "UPS server location has been updated !" message.

The next step is to perform a minor modification to the file upsxmlrealinterface.asp. Open this file using your text or HTML editor and locate the following code :

(in the sub routine SendXML2)
if getupsconfig("testmode", false, dbc) = "Yes" then
sURL = getupsconfig("gatewaylocation_paymenttesting", false, dbc)
sURL = getupsconfig("gatewaylocation_payment", false, dbc)
end if
sURL = getupsconfig("gatewaylocation_paymenttesting", false, dbc)

Modify the code above to :

if getupsconfig("testmode", false, dbc) = "Yes" then
sURL = getupsconfig("gatewaylocation_paymenttesting", false, dbc)
sURL = getupsconfig("gatewaylocation_payment", false, dbc)
end if

Save and upload the file back to your server. The UPS Real-Time module should now connect to the production server.

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