How To Integrate WhatsApp On Your VPCart Site

How To Integrate WhatsApp On Your VPCart Site

In 2017, WhatsApp has officially announced that over 1 billion people use WhatsApp every day. Those people also send over 55 billion messages every day.
With this WhatsApp integration, you can start making your VPCart site a part of those billions of messages.

How to Get The WhatsApp Widget Code
To get the widget code, please follow the steps below:

1) Go to

2) Click Get Your Button.

3. Select the second icon from the list (the WhatsApp icon) as shown below:

4. Click the - on the first icon on the list (the Messenger icon) to remove the first icon as we do not need it.

5. Now in the WhatsApp textbox, please enter your mobile number with your country code. For example, if I am from Australia (country code +61), then I would enter my number with eg +61xxxxxxxxxxxx.

6. Next, under the "2. Customize your button" section, you can customize the text.
Locate the "Call to action" field and you can change the text to your own liking eg: Click to send WhatsApp message to us

7. Now scroll down to go to "3. Add the code to your website". Please enter your email address and click the "Get Button Code".

8. After clicking the button, you will be presented with the code snippet. Please right click and select copy.

9. Now log in to your VPCart administration and go to top menu: Website > Layout Manager

10. In the left or right column, click the Add Box button.

11. You will see an empty box, click the edit icon.

12. In the right panel, select "Column Free Text" from the dropdowns.

13. Then fill in the fields as below:

Enable: Yes
: Yes
: (Leave empty)
: (Leave empty)
: No
: Click Source button as shown below:

Please paste your previous copied widget code from site into the big text box.

The big text box will now having the widget code as shown below:

Click the Source button again.

And please click Save button now. You will see message "Container modified successfully!"

14. Go to your VPCart front store and locate the right bottom, you should see the WhatsApp icon showing now.

Happy Selling!

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Wilson Keneshiro
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