Side categories not showing (JS not loading) on non-SSL mode (Only for V8.1.0.6)

Side categories not showing (JS not loading) on non-SSL mode (Only for V8.1.0.6)

If you are using v8.1.0.6, and your site has activated SSL, as well both xssl and xmysite value is different,
your side categories (or JS files) will not be able to be loaded because of browser crossing policy owner, plese do the following changes: 1. Open shop$db.asp using notepad or text editor.

2. Locate below code (estimate on line 4155)

sub generatebaseurl

3. Below above code, please insert :

'800 - 2016.12.22 - Bug Fix: JS script not loading properly on non-ssl site if xssl contained value (Bugs on v8.1.0.6)
htmlwrite "<base href=""//"& request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & xmysite2 &"/"" />"
exit sub

4. Save the file and upload to your site.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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