Video Tutorial - How to Add Insurance Surcharge on Your Shipping

Video Tutorial - How to Add Insurance Surcharge on Your Shipping

By default, VP-ASP Shopping Cart Software does not have the option to add an insurance surcharge to shipping costs. However, there is a clever workaround which enables you to add this feature to your store.

To do this, you just need to utilize the existing payment surcharge configs and edit a few language keywords.
The existing payment surcharge configs you need to use are:


Let's say you want to add a shipping insurance option to the customer form (shopcustomer.asp page) so that your customers can choose whether they want to add insurance to their order eg:

Insurance Information
* Shipping insurance ? [Yes / No] (in dropdowns)
If you choose Yes for shipping insurance, 2% will be added to the cost of items (excluding freight).

To set it up like the above, login to your VPASP administration and set the below configs:

xenablesurcharge : Yes
xpaymenttypes : Yes,No
xpaymenttypespercentage : 2,0 ((This means if customers select Yes, the surcharge is 2% of product cost, if they select No then no surcharge is added. You can change the percentage you want here, eg 5 for 5% etc.).

The next step is to edit the language keywords from your administration.

Go to: Advanced Settings » International » Language
In the Selection criteria, choose Keywords, then select Contains, then enter the keyword langsurchargemethodin the textbox and click Display.

This should bring up a record, click 'Edit'.

Change the "caption", to Shipping insurance and click Update record.

Repeat the steps above for the following keywords:

langpaymenttypesurcharge, set to Shipping insurance
langformatsurchargeinformation, set to Insurance Information
langsurchargedescription, set to If you select Yes for shipping insurance, this will add 2% to the cost of items (excluding freight).

The final step is to reset your language. On the language edit page, click Back To Languages then click Reset Language. Select your default language e.g. English, and click Continue.

Changes complete! You can now go and test in your front store.

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Wilson Keneshiro
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